Club Activities Survey Analysis

 Club Activities Survey Analysis

My research topic : club activities

Target : Japanese University students

Number of respondents : (12)

(Summary) Sutudents answered 9 queations about club activities.


Graph #1 shows that most respondents belonged to outdooer club. In fact, 75% responded "outdoor club", 16.7% responded "indoor club", and 8.3% responded "not belong to club activities". This result indicates that all were members of an athletic club.


フォームの回答のグラフ。質問のタイトル: What type of club activities did you belong to?。回答数: 12 件の回答。

Graph #2 shows that the most ball sports are the most characteristic of club activities. The students who answered our questions indicated that they were involved in many physically active club activities. 


フォームの回答のグラフ。質問のタイトル: What features does the club have?。回答数: 11 件の回答。

Graph #3 shows that what students who were not in the club were doing. The most common use of their time is working part-time, followed by hanging out with friends.


フォームの回答のグラフ。質問のタイトル: What did you who were not belong to club activities do after school?。回答数: 8 件の回答。

Graph #4 shows when you were in that club. These results indicate that many of them were involved in club activities during their junior high school years.


フォームの回答のグラフ。質問のタイトル: When did you belong to that club?。回答数: 12 件の回答。

Graph #5 shows how many days per week there are club activities. The most common club activities are five days of activity per week, followed by four days and two days. From this, I assume that care has been taken to ensure that the advisor does not work too many hours.


フォームの回答のグラフ。質問のタイトル: How many days a week did you practice?。回答数: 12 件の回答。

Graph #6 shows how hard that club activity was. Most of the students answered that it was very hard or hard. It shows that they were very enthusiastic about the club activities.


フォームの回答のグラフ。質問のタイトル: How difficult was that club activity?。回答数: 12 件の回答。

Graph #7 shows how much fun the club activity is. Most of the respondents answered that they enjoyed the club activities. This shows that they were in club activities that they could enjoy while being enthusiastic about the activities.


フォームの回答のグラフ。質問のタイトル: How much fun did you enjoy that club activity?。回答数: 12 件の回答。


This survey allowed us to identify what clubs our friends were in. Each had its own characteristics, which was very interesting.


  1. I found that using the ball is the most common club activities !!

  2. I was amazed at many people practiced 5 days a week! I think many people are enthusiastic about club activities.

  3. It is very interesting for me! I was surprised at many people joined the circle.

  4. It is easy to see the graph because graph is big and clear. Many people pracice 5 times in a week, wow.

  5. I know about clud activity!

  6. I remembered my high school life.I don't think I can play any of sports right now




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