Club Activities Survey Analysis
Club Activities Survey Analysis My research topic : club activities Target : Japanese University students Number of respondents : (12) (Summary) Sutudents answered 9 queations about club activities. (Results) Graph #1 shows that most respondents belonged to outdooer club. In fact, 75% responded "outdoor club", 16.7% responded "indoor club", and 8.3% responded "not belong to club activities". This result indicates that all were members of an athletic club. #1 Graph #2 shows that the most ball sports are the most characteristic of club activities. The students who answered our questions indicated that they were involved in many physically active club activities. #2 Graph #3 shows that what students who were not in the club were doing. The most common use of their time is working part-time, followed by hanging out with friends. #3 Graph #4 shows when you were in that club. These results indicate that many of them were involved in club activities du...